展会预告 与明治传感AKUSENSE共赴全球领先工业盛宴

汉诺威工业博览会(Hannover Messe)是世界专业性贸易展览会,每年一届,创办于1947年,荟萃了各个工业领域的技术,引领着世界工业的创新与发展。

HANNOVER MESSE is the world’s top international professional trade exhibition. Founded in 1947, HANNOVER MESSE is held annually with excellent innovations or unusual products, covering the technologies from various industries, leading the innovations and development of the industries in the world.

它不仅是世界上展出面积最大的工业展,而且展品展示技术含量极高,被公认为是联系全球工业设计、加工制造、技术应用和国际贸易的最重要的平台之一。发展至今,已经成为 “全球工业贸易领域的旗舰展 ”、 “世界工业贸易的睛雨表 ” 和 “全球工业技术发展的风向标 ”。

As the biggest industrial exhibition in the world, it is recognized as one of the most important platforms connecting global industrial design, processing, manufacturing, technology application and international trade.

So far, it has become “the flagship exhibition in the field of global industrial trade”, “the barometer of World Industrial trade” and “the vane of global industrial technology development”.
